Please note that most of my work is protected by NDA; therefore, I cannot share internal business documentation images.

The product is a set of internal tools based on a shared database. The client is a fully remote product development agency . The different modules' goals are: to track the working hours of its freelancers, to manage clients and projects, to support the sales process from the very beginning, to manage the different pay and bill rates, to support the recruitment process and business in general by providing the data for decision making.

Due to the latter, simply solving the communication issues wouldn't have been the wisest solution economically. Therefore I pitched for a solution based on a single secure database and front-ends with a shared design library but segmented features for different user groups.

A significant part of the project is the Information Architecture, as most problems are caused by misunderstandings between people and between systems. We need to translate the different languages of the different departments in a way that the data remains intact and meaningful to everyone. Continuous stakeholder interviews and involvement are my go-to solution to ensure that the product reaches its goal to reduce unnecessary mistake handling and administrative costs at each milestone.

My original task was to improve the user experience of the standalone hours tracking application. After many stakeholder and user interviews, I quickly realized that the company's most business-critical problems are caused by the lack of communication between the multitude of third-party applications and their very different data structures.

The product is being developed with an agile methodology to prevent too much planning from being wasted in this fast-paced and fast-changing business environment. The team focuses on one group of the target audience during a milestone, and the user stories are continuously reprioritized based on the current business needs.

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