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I create products that answer real customer and business needs.

My Background

âŗI've been a Product Manager for 16 years with 8 years of hands-on experience in User Experience.

🗂I worked with startups, small and bigger companies.

🧩I've been in many different industries, such as HealthTech, B2B, SaaS, Media, Film, Audio, iGaming...

💟 My passion is to understand the pain points of both users and stakeholders and create solutions that satisfy all parties in the game.



My Process


Featured Projects

Please note that most of my work is protected by NDA; therefore, I cannot share internal business documentation images.

GyroSet – HealthTech

A wheelchair head drive and computer control solution for quadriplegic users

My role as a UX lead:

I led and delivered UX work, including personas, proactive and reactive user research, creating wireframes, and setting the guidelines for the living style guide throughout hardware devices, desktop, and mobile applications.

Read the case study

"OneSource" – B2B

My role as a Product Manager:

My original assignment was to identify user issues and improve this product development agency's current hours tracking system's overall user experience. At the end of the research and Information Architecture, I chose to pitch for a unified database and a front-end solution that is a one-stop-shop for all stakeholders across the system that is now being developed.

Read the case study

Sports Betting Mobile App – iGaming

In this role as a UX Designer and Researcher, I participated in and advocated for company-wide initiatives besides my daily responsibilities. Some examples are: I led the creation of personas based on data and workshops with all departments. I actively participated in the introduction of Scrum, voluntarily mentored my team, created and held a "UX in Scrum" workshop for the Product Team.

In a specific case, I also demonstrated my ability to act quickly and efficiently: Unfortunately, some severe problems arose after the release of this application, and due to some pre-existing conditions, the company lacked the technical tools to identify the reasons quickly. I jumped in and identified the two available options to get user feedback from abroad: – a quarterly NPS was already in place, so I added two open-ended follow-up questions, – and we also reached out to the VIP users for interview sessions via the Marketing team. As a result, we were able to identify the three dominant causes for the drop in engagement in a few hours, and by fixing them, in just three months, we increased the NPS by 30.

A Dashboard for Chief Executives – B2B

My role as a UX Team Lead:

We achieved second place after Microsoft on a tender by a big data company with this project. The tender goal was to define the user experience for a dashboard application on a 4m wide and 2m high touch screen. I led my team to determine the ideal touch range for a diverse target audience, including tall and petite people and wheelchair users.